Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jack is 6 months!

Obviously I'm running a little behind on things...we had a VERY busy week last week visiting family in IL. ;o)

Jack had his 6 month appointment today. He's weighing in at 18lbs 15oz (75th percentile)...he would have probably hit 19lbs but he had a MASSIVE diaper explosion right before his appointment and lost a good half pound in weight in his diaper, pants and shirt. He got 3 shots today but did really well. Just about 30 seconds of crying and then big sis stepped in to make him feel better. Jack is still 90th percentile for height...I can't remember exactly how tall he was though. Oops!

We might finally be getting the hang of naps in this house. He still nurses to sleep but wakes when I put him in his crib. Normally it takes only a few pats and some SHHHHHHing to get him quiet and back to sleep. He's been taking 40ish minute naps now 3 times a day. So he's still not getting good naps, especially in the afternoon. As soon as he's recovered from the shots we are in for a major sleep training effort. Time to cry it out for real. I think he'll do fine...we've already done this at night so he knows what he's getting into. I try not to hold him while he sleeps anymore but sometimes...I can't resist:

Jack is still eating lots of Mommy's milk every 3 hours or so. I don't think I'm getting a break anytime soon. He's been eating baby food 2-3 times a day also. He's still very inconsistent with the solids...sometimes he'll eat a whole bowl, other times he won't take a bite. We aren't pushing it and hope that he'll get the hang of things when he starts real table food. Jack hopes that is soon because every time we eat he is right in our faces, smacking his lips and drooling. Here he is reaching for some Cold Stone Creamery:

Jack got his first "real" bath this month. And by real bath I mean that he's way too big for the infant tub so one of us holds him and the other does a quick wipe down and rinse. He loved his first bath with sissy! 

Jack isn't really rolling from his belly to back still. He just prefers to be on his tummy! He's starting to put weight on his legs when you stand him up, loves to bounce in his jumper and is pushing himself up when on his tummy. He can also turn 360 degrees when on his tummy and he found his feet. He loves to suck on his big toe. Boys are so gross! He's so close to sitting up but is still a little too wobbly to do it without a spotter.

Jack really found his voice last month. He's quite the talker. I can't get youtube to work so here is the link: He's always squealing and screaming...and spitting all over the place.

We visited the head squeezing doc last week. I wasn't sure we made much progress going in but after taking a look at his "before" can tell a difference. His pediatrician was pretty impressed today and it looks like Jack might actually have a round head in a few months. We go back at the end of June for another fun filled head squeezing appointment. Fun times!

Can't wait to see what next month brings. Hopefully better naps, some table food and a little boy that can sit on his booty! ;o)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Layla's First Haircut

I can't believe how big L is getting. :( I'm not sure I can handle any more of this growing up business. And I'm not sure how much longer I can get by without finishing up some of her firsts in her baby book. I think the only two left were first hair cut and first dentist appointment. Since the dentist appointment was a bust in January and was rescheduled for June, it was haircut time.

We've been working up to this one for awhile. She's weird about stuff like this and I never know how she's going to handle it. Every time I did her hair in the morning we'd play "hair cut". She was SO excited that today was the day to get her "baby hair cut off"...I can hardly stand it when she says that. Booooo hoooo hooooo!!!

Here she is this afternoon ready for her big appointment:

Last pictures of those almost white "baby hairs". :(

And here's a snapshot of her first hair cut in progress:

Overall she did really well! When we first got there she asked if she could sit on my lap and I told her "we'll see". In my head I was screaming NO NO NO!! Because I wanted to get good pictures. I just didn't give her the option and plopped her booty right on the booster our stylist had waiting for her. She didn't crack many smiles but she normally won't when she's soaking something in. It is hard to tell from the pics but she was into know because if she wasn't I wouldn't have good pictures to share. LOL.

She didn't get much taken off...just those crazy ends that were constantly tangled and enough of the bulk out the back to give it a nice shape. She honestly doesn't look much different but I could tell a huge difference when I ran my fingers through it tonight after bath. No more baby hair, but not many tangles. :)

I'm so proud of her...she even asked if she could get her hair colored green next time. I know she'll love going back. I L.O.V.E. having a little girl to do these things with. And I also love having a little boy that won't require as much maintenance. Ahhhh...the joys of having one of each!! :)

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

I had a fairly uneventful Mother's Day...and that is perfectly fine with me. Church in the morning, lunch somewhere...I can't even remember and then I went grocery shopping and made shrimp tacos for dinner. Yum!

The kids (Layla) thought it would be a good idea to make me a Mother's Day crown:

I love being their Mommy. Although I love to complain about eating issues, sleeping issues and their stubbornness in general (they do NOT get that from way)...I love every ounce of them. They have shown me what real love is. And they have shown me what life is all about. Those crazy kids of mine. ;o)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


We signed Layla up for soccer this year when our church friends decided to start a team. It is SO nice to have such a close group of friends and watch our kids grow up together. Layla has grown to love these kids and watching her play with her best friends is pretty amazing. I forgot my camera the last TWO games (Mother/Photographer of the year!) but busted it out today.

Layla wasn't really into it the first few games. Bryan is coaching and she really just wanted 100% of Daddy's attention. So the first few games consisted of L either crying on the sidelines or just running around Daddy. Today she actually got into was awesome! Layla even "scored" a goal! By scored I mean that one of her teammates kicked the ball in her direction, it grazed her foot and then went it the net but I'm TOTALLY counting it! ;o)

Here's a hilarious video of L's turn to kick off...she has her Mother's showmanship...

And a few pictures from the game:

Action shot...running to get a drink from Mommy.

Proud to be team green (aka- the holy rollers). 

Jack had fun on Miss Christel's lap. Thankfully he waited to puke until 5 seconds after Mommy took him back. 

Layla and her BFF Addie pretty much just hugged it out the entire game. LOL

Another action shot! 

I actually posted this and it wasn't until I made the picture bigger that I realized this isn't my kid...L's twin and BFF, Addie: