Jack is currently working on his top two teeth. Once has broken through...the other is going up and down (freaking thing). He used to fight meds so bad and we haven't been giving him much because it was such a pain but a few days ago he decided he'd start taking it with no problem! So he's getting some much needed relief now.
This month we've been to the splash park a few times. He's not a huge fan of the cold water but he did like walking around the kiddie pool at our house with sissy. He loves her so much. His eyes light up every morning when he hears her wake up and he kicks all the way down the hallway when he knows we are going in to get her. He also started saying "lala" this month. Layla loves it!
Jack has been an amazing eater this month too! He's starting to eat solids more consistently. He will do baby food but also loves to feed himself. We are struggling a bit with what to give him because he has to stay dairy free. L lived off cheese, yogurt puffs and yogurt so it is a bit of a challenge on what to feed him. Right now he'll eat pretty much everything in baby food form (LOVES prunes) and will feed himself chicken, puffs, crackers, bread, mum mums...he's still having a hard time picking up the slimy stuff but loves to squish it in between his fingers. Here is Paw Paw Barton feeding Jack some avocado:
He likes to use his food as hair gel:
Jack is still growing like a weed. He's in 18 month PJs because the feet of the 12 month ones were too small. He's still fitting in his 12 month summer clothes but I have a feeling we'll be buying a new wardrobe by this time next month. What a big healthy boy!
Jack still loooooooves his Mommy. I think we have a major Mommy's boy on our hands. During the day all he wants is for Mommy to play on the floor with him. And by play I mean he wants to roll all over me and chew on my legs. It is exhausting but I'm trying to enjoy it (mainly because I can't get anything else done!).
Another BIG milestone he hit the day before he turned 8 months...crawling! He looks like a little inch worm but just in the last 24 hours he's gotten stronger and faster. Look out world, he's coming for you!
The next month will have another big milestone for Jack...his first night without Mommy! I hope he does OK and doesn't miss me too much. :( At least he got crawling out of his system before I leave so I don't miss anything. And he's doing pretty good with the sippy cup now! Let's hope Daddy doesn't have a hard time. Who am I kidding? Big sis will be here and is the REAL boss of the house...I'm sure they will do just fine!