Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jack is 1!

It is so hard to believe that 1 year ago we became a family of 4. None of us could imagine life without Jack, what a perfect little boy to have in our family. 

Jack is still growing, growing and growing. He is in 18 month clothes and they fit perfectly. He wears a size 4 shoe but is almost ready for a size 5. I just moved him to size 4 diapers...that's the biggest size L ever wore! I feel like I should be potty training him next week. Ha!

Jack still loves to eat. We are starting to see him being a little bit picker but that's OK. He still eats way more than his sister ever did. He loves yogurt, cheese, eggs, bread and ice cream. He also loves Mommy's milk...and nothing else. I have tried giving him straight up APPLE JUICE and he says no. I am in big trouble. We have managed to sneak in 25% milk into his sippy cups but he is still only taking about 3 ounces from a cup a day. There goes my plans to wean at 6 months, 9 months...1 year.

Jack is napping much better. He's still taking 2 naps a day in general, but has successfully done one several times. He still needs Mommy for nap and bed times. We have tried everything- crying it out, letting Daddy rock him...NOTHING is working but Mommy. I've come to the conclusion that I don't care anymore. There is no use pushing it at this point, he'll do it when he's ready. In the mean time I will continue to try apple juice and chocolate milk (I swear this child is not human). 

Mr. Jack is a moving machine. He's so quick at crawling and loves to try and sneak down the hallway and into our closet. We now have to shut all the doors but the other day I discovered him standing up against one trying to pull down the handle. Oh boy. He still loves to try and chew on cords and pinch his fingers in any cabinet he can find. He is cruising around furniture like a pro but still prefers to crawl. He's not standing on his own yet and hasn't really shown much interest in walking. That's ok with me. Oh and he's CLIMBING. I've caught him on the top step of Layla's kitchen stool, on the back of his new pottery barn chair and under our dining room table. 

As much as he's moving, he is also TALKING! Jack can say mama, dada, lala, ada (dog), momo (more), all done (absolute crystal clear), buh bye and of all things...bite. He bit Bryan a few days ago and actually said "bite dada". 

We are still dealing with lots of separation anxiety. I know it is just a phase but COME ON. I can't leave his side. I wanted a Mommy's boy and I sure got one. I might have to go to college with him. 

J still has 8 teeth but I think he's been working on those pesky molars. Poor guy hasn't been himself the last week and now we are all sick with colds. Boo! Perhaps this weekend wasn't the best for doing his smash cake session but it is the only chance we have before we go home. 

So with a 99.3 degree fever and a snotty nose...we took his clothes off and put a cake in front of him.

You can see he was OK with it at first. That lasted about 2 seconds and then Jack needed some coaching from some of his favorite people-

He wasn't convinced. Ironically enough LAYLA decided to take a handful of cake and go sit in a corner (her fever was at 102...parents of the year right here)-

So Jack was done and we didn't want to push it

Layla enjoyed the left overs. 

Oh sweet Jack. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. We are so very blessed to have you in our lives. You are so silly, stubborn and smart. We love to listen to you belly laugh and you LOVE to make us laugh too. You keep Mommy on her toes all day long. There are no words to describe how HAPPY you are and you make us. You smile is contagious. I can't wait to watch you grow and see your personality take shape this next year. 

We love you SOOOOO much baby boy. It is November...and you are 1! :)