Our February was filled with snow, cold and sickness. We are all SO over winter. We have been spending way too much time inside this month...please come soon spring!
We tried to celebrate Valentines day but Mommy ended up sick the entire week with a mystery illness. After lots of blood work, an X-ray and an ultrasound I have been diagnosed, yet again, with IDK disease. For those of you that are not my Grandpa that is a highly official diagnosis of "I don't know" disease. It sucks.
So here's what we've been up to-
Jack learned how to hike a ball. I can't help but look at this pic and see Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Layla has been working on writing her name. I don't know how people homeschool. This has been the result of lots of fighting and "I don't want to's" in this house. She will do it perfectly fine for her teachers. Stinker. She had to write her name on 19 Valentines. She absolutely insists that her names starts with an "A" and that she has to write it in a "circle". She's kind of good at drawing the individual letters.
Here she is pouting because I'm making her do something
She cracked a smile as she finished the last one. I asked her if she felt good after doing all that hard work and she said "No. You can do them next year". Future US President right here.
Of course we had our Valentine's Day session
One major development last month was joint bath time. Thank GOD! Layla has finally realized it is fun to have a bath buddy. It saves us time and gives us LOTS of giggles. They were in rare form for the camera here-
Jack turned 15 months in February. I can't believe it. He is walking ALL over the place and communicating so much more (even within the last few days). His vocab includes: daddy, mama, sissy, layla, goggies (dogs), moooooore, buh bye, up, yeah, no, all done and help. He also has started pointing to things he sees or wants. Jack has always been a screamer but he's really starting to scream when he doesn't like something or is upset. It is ear piercing and I hope this stage goes quickly.
Jack is in size 24 months/2T and in a size 4 diaper. He eats like a champ and finally got all 4 molars! He goes for his well visit next month so I'll have his weight and height then...but we already know he's ginormous. He's sleeping much better but still insists on being rocked to sleep. We just try to enjoy it and appreciate the snuggles. He's doing better for naps and will sleep anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours (YEEEEESSSSSS) and does pretty well at night too. He goes down around 7:30 but always wakes up at 10pm for a quick snuggle. Then tends to sleep until 6:30-8am. LOL...hoping to get this worked out SOON.
Mr. Jack found the key to Mommy's heart this month- making us laugh. This boy and his "silly face". Oh my!
We are hoping for warmer weather in March. It is a SUPER busy month filled with preschool stuff, photo sessions and hopefully a few family visitors from IL! :)