Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jack's Orange Shirt Pictures

Only a FEW weeks late this year. At least we weren't sick like we were last year for these.

So. A little about 2 year old Jack- he is OBSESSED with "choo choos". Daddy is his first word in the morning, that is closely followed by "choo choo". He lives, breaths, sleeps and eats trains. I think we've watched Polar Express a thousand times in the last 2 weeks and it NEVER gets old. Everything is a choo choo-

Jack is still SUCH a happy boy. He loves to make us laugh. He still has his dimples and I pray he keeps them forever. He loves to jump as high as he can (he actually gets impressive air for a 2 year old that is the size of a 3 year old) and shake his booty to music.

Jack wears a size 5 diaper and 2t clothing is getting snug. He hates having his teeth brushed, getting out of the bathtub and having his diaper changed. I'm dreading potty training but I will be happy when I don't have to alligator wrestle him into a new diaper and pants.

We also have one smart little guy on our hands. He knows how to count to 5 and sing ABCs with help. He is starting to repeat EVERYTHING. His favorite word (besides CHOOOO CHOOOO) is "no". It is his answer for everything. "Jack do you like candy?". "No".

Sleeping had been better until we went home for Thanksgiving (figures!). He takes a 2 hour nap every day...I have tears in my eyes as I write that. A 2 hour nap EVERY day. Thank you LORD. Getting him down at night is becoming difficult- he loves to run away and scream "nooooo". One of us has to lay by his crib until he falls asleep (sometimes up to an hour+). But it is getting easier. He won't need us forever so we are trying to be patient and sleep on Jack's time. He DOES sleep until 8am, God love my late risers.

Jack's favorite person in the WHOLE. WIDE. WORLD. is "sissy". He cries when we drop her off at preschool and get's SO excited when it is time to go get her or when he gets to wake her up in the mornings. They are starting to play more together. Most of the time they push, growl and throw things at each other. But I know that means it is true love. 

And here is a picture of Layla. She helped us get J's orange shirt pictures by running around the kitchen with a chicken finger in her hand so the dogs wouldn't run in front of the camera. LOL. 

 Flash back time- here is the crappy storyboard I have yet to finish editing-

 And his 1 year picture-

And here we are at 2 years old- 

We love this boy so much. I can not imagine life without our baby Jack.