Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Naptime, please come back!

Oh boy...I didn't realize that I was trading in nap time when we decided to potty train. I would have waited until she was 4 if I thought my 2 hours of peace and quiet per day would go away.

We literally went from this:

To this in the 1 hour that I made her sit in there and scream her head off just so I could get a few things done:

I know a ton of people suggest still putting her down for "quiet time"...but is it really worth listening to screaming for 30-45 minutes? Normally the first 15 minutes of her "nap" consists of her saying "mooooooommyyyyyy", "dadddddddyyyyyy" and sometimes "paw paw?" over and over again. Basically asking anyone within a 3 state radius to get her out of bed. Then comes the screaming. At first it's just a few little squeaks. They progressively get higher pitched until the dogs are running around the house with their tails between their legs. Next comes the full fledged crying, kicking and wailing. That goes on for about 20 minutes until I go get here.

So to recap: In the last 3 1/2 weeks Layla has taken 4...yes FOUR naps. Life as I know it, is over. See that face in the 2nd picture? The one slobbering because she is suffering from uncontrollable crying? The one with red and purple circles under her eyes because she's tired? That's what Bryan and I get to deal with from 2:00 - 8:00. Maybe I should just giver her some coffee to perk her up in the afternoons?

Seriously...someone tell me what to do! Layla and I are both going to loose our minds! ;o)

PS- as a side note, L had a change of clothes before nap because she had soup ALL over the red top.

PPS- She also did not wear pants for 90% of the day and when I put her down for nap, the only ones I could find were leopard leggins. So, my daughter was wearing a black and white polka dot shirt and leopard leggins with navy socks. Maybe she's afraid to sleep because the fashion police are going to get her? LOL


  1. Clint is on his way over!! haha Poor girl! I have no tips...but, will say that Grayden has gone through that stage several times and it is NOT fun!!

  2. Hey Ash! So sorry to hear you and Layla are having a hard time? Have you tried adjusting her nap time? Macy's nap time has adjusted several times in the last year. Sometimes they need a "new" routine every once in a while. Also, have you tried moving bed time up a little? Sometimes the more sleep they get at night the easier they are to go down during the day. Weird I know! Good luck, Mama!!!
