Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our St. Patrick's Day

What a fun filled St. Patrick's day! I feel like we crammed an entire weeks worth of activities in one day today and I am EXHAUSTED. I started out the day tired so I'm going to bed by 9:30 tonight. LOL.

Our St. Patty's Day celebrations actually started yesterday with the making of our leprechaun trap. I'll be posed a blog about that at Naptime Tales so stay tuned for that. Here are a few pictures of Layla with her trap right after we made it:

Last night we set our trap in the foyer hoping to catch a leprechaun. Here is Layla setting the trap right before bed:

This morning we all rushed to the trap to see if we were successful. We were! Except the leprechaun chewed a hold through the trap and got out. But he accidentally left a few goodies behind:

She was SO excited. :)

We quickly got ready and headed out to Chippewa Nature Center for their maple syrup day. They have the most AMAZING...and I'm talking AMAZING pancake breakfast and some fun activities. Here's a picture of Daddy and Layla waiting in line:

I need this guy to come cook breakfast for us. He was an expert pancake maker! 

Mommy loves syrup...the only thing that would make this breakfast better is bacon. LOL

After eating breakfast (L even ate 1/2 her pancake!!!) we took a walk though the woods.

And then we discovered the preschool. This is where I would REALLY like L to go...too bad the cut off is Dec 1st or she could start next year. Dang! We spend the rest of our time just exploring the playground and checking out the inside...she even got to see one of her friend's lockers!

The rest of our day was spent at Home Depot (where else?) and shopping for warmer clothes! Layla didn't have anything for warm weather and it was 80 today! I think I like global warming (just kidding...but I do love the warm weather).

1 comment:

  1. That looks like an amazing preschool!!! Happy St. Patty's day
