Monday, May 28, 2012

Layla's had the best week ever!

We have been SO busy lately. We are trying to squeeze in a ton of house projects before baby gets here, I'm trying to get caught up editing photography sessions and we are getting ready to go home for a week (so I can edit even MORE photography sessions haha).

Poor Layla hasn't been getting away from the house much. Between all the stuff on my to do list, I've been having major headaches that last for several days. I had migraines when I was pregnant with Layla and they aren't as bad as those...I just can't shake it! So in an effort to get Layla back into her social life, I had Bryan take her to Dow Gardens to visit one of her BFFs after their family's photo shoot.

Layla ADORES Maddie. Maddie also has a little sister, Hayden...I think both Layla and Maddie tolerate her haha. Poor thing. These two have so much in common. And by that I mean they are both the bossiest girls I know! They are perfect for each other. Anyway, Layla got to run up and down a hill a few times with her friend:

Bryan decided it would be a good idea to venture out with no PullUp on. She did wonderful until I asked if she had to go potty (2 seconds after starting to play with Maddie) and she said "okay". So Bryan takes her to the bathroom only to discover that he forgot her portable potty seat...and a PullUp...and an extra change of clothes. So after listening to her freak out in the bathroom because she didn't have her "SEAT" he told her they'd have to go home and use the potty. Apparently she bawled and was screaming "Maddie!!! I want Maddie!!!". :( Poor thing had to cut her visit short but I'm happy to report she didn't pee in the car on the way home. SCORE!

The next morning Layla got the surprise of her life when her other favorite person in the whole wide world, Addi, woke her up at 7:15 AM. Addi needed a place to hang out for a few hours Thursday morning and what better place to play than at her twin sister's friend's house?!

Layla is not a morning person and I wasn't sure how this would go (she normally wakes up at 8:30!) but as soon as Addi got here we walked into L's room and gave her a wake up call. My favorite Addi quote of the day "Layla, do you need another minute or can you just get up?!". She yelled this as she walked into Layla's room LOL. But L was SO excited to see her that she didn't care to have "an extra minute". Here are the girls doing one of Layla's favorite activities, coloring an octopus:

On Friday Layla got to see Maddie and Hayden AGAIN at their house, this time for a cookout. It was so nice to get together with them, and very sweet of them to invite us over. We can't wait to have them at our house!

Layla had a ton of fun playing with the girls, especially in the bounce house. This was the first time she really warmed up to a bounce house and once she got over her initial fears, she LOVED it! I think I know what she may be getting for Christmas this year. :) I'm a loser and didn't get any pictures...but don't worry, I made up for it later in the weekend!

On Saturday Daddy thought it would be a great idea to go to the zoo. Originally we were just going to go to Lansing but as soon as we hit the interstate Bryan had a change of heart so we were headed to Detroit. We had an EXHAUSTING day but it was so much fun! We got to eat at Red Robin, got to the zoo at 2:00 (nap I said, this was BRYAN'S idea) and walked around for what felt like 7 hours. It was kind of a hot day and most of the animals were sleeping, but we were still able to see almost everything. I was pretty impressed at how close you could actually get to the animals, and Layla seemed to have a good time. Here are a few pictures:

On Sunday we had a nice lunch and then had a work day here at the house. This included naps for us all...we needed it!

Today (Monday) we went to the beach in Sanford. It was PACKED but we had a really great time. L loves the water and sand so we try to give her sensory overload in hopes that she will never regress from all the progress we've made this year. ;o) Here are a few pictures of us at the beach:

And a video of her at the "splash" part of the park:

What a crazy week we've had! But so much fun...I'm not sure how we can top this week for L. Expect maybe to go home and see all her G'mas and G'pas! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Terrible twos much?

I wish there were hidden cameras in our house because I witnessed the devil take form in my daughter tonight.

It all started when Bryan started her bedtime routine. Potty, wash hands, brush teeth, diaper, PJS and then I take over and put her to bed. He got as far as potty...she put one little rabbit turd in the toilet and wanted 2 peanut M&M's for it. Bryan has been having to go into work and because it took so long for her to work that little pellet out of her body, it was time for him to leave. So he gave her her 2 "m's" and she sat on the couch watching Wubbzy to eat them.

As soon as she was finished (and trust me, she ate them reeeeeallllly slow) I told her it was time to wash her hands and brush her teeth. I turned off TV and we walked very calmly into the bathroom. Normally she is whining the whole way so I knew this was a calm before the storm...little did I know how bad this was really going to be.

I got her step stool ready for her to wash her and and she whines "I haffa potty". I was an EXPERT staller as a kid so I knew this was just a way for her to buy time. I told her she had 1 minute on the potty and plopped her down. She just sat there and stared at me like "I wonder how much I can get away with tonight?".

After a minute I tried to pick her up and she started screaming at the top of her lungs "I HAFFA POOOOOOOOOP EASTER BUNNY BOOOOOOOK". The easter bunny book is her go to poop book, she can't go without it. I told her no, that it was time for bed and that she didn't have to poop. I think picked her up and at first, her body went totally limp...I knew I was in for it.

As soon as her feet hit the bathmat she started flailing around like a raging bull. She was screaming so loud and her voice was so gruff that I had to hold back a laugh because I've never seen her so ticked off in her life. She looked at me like she's never looked at me, I think my child realized what hate is tonight.

I then decided that she was going to get hurt if I tried to put her diaper on in the bathroom so I picked her up to carry her into her bedroom. She decided to throw her arms up so I couldn't get a grip so I literally carried her down the hall by her ribs and knees (trying to kick me the entire time). We get into her room and I lay her down only for her to roll from side to side...from her dresser to her window all while I'm trying to get a diaper on her. I can now confidently say that I could EASILY wrestle an alligator, with 1 arm.

Now, up until that point I am secretly laughing in my head. I can't help it...she was so ticked and she didn't know what to do with was funny. Now I am ticked, and no one is here to help. So what do we do? Time out.

I take her to time out with NO pants/diaper/underwear on and sit her on the bench. She immediately jumps up and runs around the dining room like the Tasmanian devil. I couldn't see my daughter...just streaks of a pink shirt and a naked butt. But I could hear her...OH could I hear her...SHRILL screaming.

What do I do? Call Bryan crying telling him to get home because we are both about to lose it. He tells me he can't and so I tell him I'm making him listen to all this on speaker. He hangs up after a minute and I throw my phone in the hallway and put my face in my hands. What. do. I. DO?!

So, I grab Layla (not gently) and tell her to sit in her room until she calms down. She sits in the middle of her room trying to catch her breath. Her face turns from bright red/purple to a shade of pink...that's when I decided to go back in.

I make her lay down as I tell her how HORRIBLE she's being. She starts sobbing again but I honestly don't care. I'm hungry, tired and I've had enough. I then make her sit on her bed, grab her toothbrush from the bathroom and brush her teeth on her bed as she's screaming through a WIDE OPEN mouth. Her teeth have never been so clean.

I tell her to lay down (again, not nicely), cover her up, and turn off the lights. Normally she gets a book...I decided she didn't deserve one tonight and then I get teary again and start feeling like a terrible Mother. I get a flash back of the hatred in her eyes when she looked at me in the bathroom and I suddenly don't care, she already hates me anyway.

So I sit on her bed until she calms down, lean over to look her in the eye and say "You were not nice to Mommy tonight". And all by herself she says "I sorry" and cries. My heart literally melted...and all I could say was "me too".

So we said our prayers. I pray for her and when I get to "I'm thankful for..." I let her finish. She choked a "Mommy and Daddy, Oscar and Moose, Baby Button and Easter Bunny Book" out and I'm obviously bawling like a stupid little baby right with her. We finish up, say our "I love yous" and I left to go sit on the couch and cry until Bryan got home.

Being a Mom is the HARDEST thing I have ever done. This was probably the worst night I've ever had to deal with and I know this is just the beginning of the "I hate yous" and the screaming and kicking. But hearing her say "I sorry" and still telling God she was thankful for me even after ALL this was the sweetest and most powerful confirmation that there is nothing like the love between a parent and child.

Now it is time for a turkey, cheese, mayo, mustand and Lays chip sandwich...because I deserve it after this. I do not get paid enough for this kind of harassment. :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Many Faces Of Layla

I know I say this ALL the time but Layla has the best personality. Her facial expressions are hilarious...what you see is how she's feeling. See below for exactly what I mean:

;o) I'm sure a lot of you have seen this coming after my miscarriage post on Nap Time Tales. We are still a little bit in shock and denial that this is really happening. It isn't that we aren't excited, it's just that we are very nervous! I think this time around it is going to be hard to get head over heels excited until baby is safe on the outside.

Here are some stats so far:

- Due date: November 28th

- How I'm feeling: I had a few really rough and sick I'm exhausted but overall not much different than I felt with Layla. Other than the fact that I'm STARVING ALL. THE. TIME. I don't remember that with L until later in the I'm expecting to gain at least 100 pounds.

- How Layla's feeling: This is where I get nervous. Layla has some serious issues with Mommy and Daddy holding other babies and really likes to boss little ones around. We are going to start including her in as much as we can with this baby (think nursery, ultrasounds etc...) and we talk about it often. We are trying to teach her that trying to push a baby off our laps is unacceptable, but Princess has other ideas. This is either going to be REALLY bad...or good for her. I'm freaking out.

- How Baby's feeling: Great! We went in for a ultrasound at 9 weeks and baby looks amazing. Here are some pictures:

And here is the highly anticipated belly shot. I'm doing things a little different for #2. First- we are just doing pictures every 4 weeks or so. Second- I have an orange shirt this time so the kids can have their very own shirts. Third- I'll write a little note to baby with every picture. We are still keeping a baby book, but I think this is more fun!

So our journey as a family of 4 is off to a better start than last time. We have high hopes that things will go great and that we will bring this bundle of joy home around Thanksgiving. You know, because we just LOVE to have babies around the holidays! ;o) So please keep us in our thoughts and prayers as little Turkey grows, Layla figures out the big sister thing and Mommy tries to keep her sanity through all these pregnancy hormones...and we won't even get into what poor Daddy has to go through with 2 crazy girls in the house.

Monday, May 14, 2012

"Late Night" Cookies with Daddy

We obviously deserve a "parents of the year" award. Instead of putting Layla down for bed at a decent time tonight...Bryan thought it would be a great idea to start making cookies with her at 8:30. She was SO excited that I couldn't put a stop to it. So I just decided to help and take pictures.

Layla helping Daddy stir the flour. She loves that she can help with this and likes to dip her finger in the flour and lick it. 

 As soon as the mixer is done she screams "I want to LICK IT"! It was bad enough when Bryan and I fought over the mixers, but now we have to share with Layla?! Someone should have warned me about this parenting thing...

But sharing the mixer is worth that silly smile. I have some memories of being super little and I always wonder if Layla will remember moments like these. I can't wait to talk to her when she's older and hear here say "remember the time Daddy let me stay up late and make cookies?!". 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A few more videos of Layla

I realize I need to take better video than what I get on my iPhone...but it is the easiest thing to use! So here is Layla saying her NEW favorite word: Octopus. Of all things her favorite word is octopus...

We have been really hard at work with all our landscaping projects. And by "we" I mean mostly Bryan. But Layla and I like to hang out and cheer him on so we do have a pretty significant contribution. Before going inside for the evening we decided we needed to water our newly planted plants. Watering plants with Layla around = mission impossible. Someone is getting soaked.

Do you love my concern about what our neighbors think?