Sunday, November 18, 2012

38 weeks...almost there!

I can't believe how fast the second pregnancy goes. As miserable as I am right now I thought time would slow down...but it only seems to go faster! Thursday early morning I woke up with lots of cramping and contractions and I was pretty convinced Jack was going to be making his debut a little early. Nope! He listened to Mommy and has decided to stay until I'm ready...Tuesday at 5:30 AM is showtime. ;o)

Tomorrow is our last day as a family of 3. I don't even know what to think about this. It feels so weird to be welcoming a new baby (normal??). Part of me feels like this isn't really even happening. The room is done, swing is out, bottles are washed and my stomach could not possibly stretch anymore...but I just don't think I'll believe it until I see him.

Layla is totally psyched. She's ready to meet Jack, tells us she wants to hold him and will kiss and hug him. I might be more anxious about seeing them for the first time together than I am about actually having a csection at this point. And for those of you that know how anxious I am about the surgery, you know this is a big deal. I hope things go smoothly, I hope she loves him at least for the first few minutes and I hope that going from a 3 person family to 4 is going to be a lot easier than I think.

We are going in on Tuesday knowing NOTHING about Jack. I have no clue what he looks like or even have a guess on weight. We haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks and only got a 3D at our 9 weird compared to our weekly "meetings" at the end with Layla. I don't expect him to look anything like Layla, but then again I never expected Layla to look like Layla so maybe we'll end up with another blonde hair, blue eyed child? LOL. I hope he's happy, healthy, screams like his sister when he comes out, nurses well (PLEASE GOD) and goes easy on us.

We took my last orange shirt picture yesterday. I was so glad to fold that puppy up. I can't believe how HUGE I am. I know I'll be glad I did this in a few years but is hard to squeeze into that shirt for the last time. It's even harder to edit the need for 100x zoom this time. LOL.

So pray we have an EASY delivery, good recovery and a happy/healthy baby to bring home to Layla on Thanksgiving. And pray for Layla as she takes on the VERY important role of big sister. And for all our family coming to visit and traveling over the next month to see us (we are SOOOO grateful!). Good bye belly, hello more day!

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