Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy 5 Months Baby Jack!

Jack is 5 months old today! Here's what happened with Jack last month:

Jack was baptized:

We celebrated Easter:

And this is the only nap Jack took last month:

Ok so he took more naps that that...but our baby boy does NOT like to sleep during the day. We THINK we found the trick- no more swaddling and letting him sleep on his side or tummy. He's slept better the last few nights (last night we got 9 hours!!!) and does OK now during the day (3 or 4 30-40 minute naps). Let's hope he continues to figure out a better sleep schedule during the day...but he's a total rockstar at night. Bedtime is sloooowly being moved up- now he's going to bed around 9:30 and waking up between 5 and 7am to eat. Sometimes he'll even go back to sleep! 

Jack is SUUUCH a big boy. Mommy's arms and back hurt and I think I might need a wheelchair by the time he turns one. He is probably about 18.5 lbs right now...maybe more. He's still in 6-9 month clothes but will need to be moved to 12 months soon. I refuse to move him up before summer, I'm not buying this boy 12 month winter clothes! He has been officially moved to Layla's old carseat since he is too big for the carrier. This is tough because no more falling asleep in the car and easily transferring him to the stroller easily. He isn't sitting up so we still have to take the carrier everywhere. Plus it is still freezing outside so the cold makes this even harder. I don't mean to rush but I can't wait until he can sit up. Mommy's life will be a lot easier!

Jack has been pretty good at eating his rice cereal and oatmeal. He still doesn't care for it in the mornings but he does great at night. We are moving on to "real" foods soon...wish us luck! He still isn't taking a bottle and is eating more milk than ever. I'm still able to store some and plan on looking for a donor for "Jack's milk" soon.

Jack's favorite things are jumping in the jumperoo, Mommy's milk, watching Layla and playing on his belly. He also loves to be naked and LOVES our dance parties (he kicks his feet to the music and likes to dance with Mommy). Bathtime is his favorite time of day:

His eyes are still a funny bluish/brownish color. I have a feeling they will be brown but that blue is still trying to hold on. 

Layla loves to give Jack a bath! I can't get enough of the way he looks at her. They really adore each other even if Jack drools on her sometimes. Layla says her job is to brush his hair everyday. She also makes sure to bring us burp rags or his favorite toys when he's fussy. It is the SWEETEST thing to see them together.

Can't wait to see how much he grows next month!

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