Monday, January 28, 2013

Layla's First Dentist Appt...or so we thought

Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING can go as planned in this house. I am possibly the most unlucky person in the world. I don't want to complain because we are happy, healthy and employed...but the stupidest things happen to us and I can't help but laugh (and blog about it)!

So Layla had her first dentist appointment today. This was reschedule from a few weeks ago when she woke up sick on her original "go" date. I was so nervous/excited for her. We've been talking about this for weeks and this morning I even practiced on her with a straw (thanks for the idea Christel!) to get her used to what they might do. Those of you that know Layla know that you have to give her a 6 month heads up on this type of thing. LOL.

So we get there ON TIME (a miracle), check in and wait for about 15 minutes. I've waited in that office longer than that before so I just thought they were running behind. It happens. Layla was playing with the toys, my phone, taking pictures...being SO good. She told me she needed to use the potty so we got up and went. It was all downhill from here.

I help her go to the potty and we get ready to wash our hands. I go to put soap on my hands and the thing squirts a gallon of soap onto my freshly washed for the occasion pants. Dang. So she's playing in the sink while I try to clean up the mess and gets her sleeves soaked.

We walk back into the lobby (it's been almost 30 minutes at this point) and I ask if they are just about ready for her. The lady looks at the schedule and says "she's not even on the books for today". Fabulous! So they run around apologizing and say they'll fit her in because it won't take long.

I fill out some paperwork and a nice assistant takes us back. Layla sits on my lap and lets her put the bib around her neck...she's doing GREAT when the lady from the front desk flies in and says that our insurance is inactive. Ummmmm OK. I remembered that we switched our dental plans when we added Layla. So I give her our medical card (same provider) and while she looks up the information the dental assistant continues giving Layla a "tour" of the equipment they use.

L was totally getting into it. Smiling and laughing when she'd put her fingers on something "silly feeling". I was so proud of her until that lady from the front desk comes back AGAIN and says that isn't the right card, do we want to pay out of pocket. NO I don't freaking want to pay out of pocket. I want you to count my child's teeth and tell her she's doing a good job brushing like I've been telling her you were going to do for MONTHS.

Sooooo we had to stop. I was so disappointed because I could tell Layla was really bummed about it. I now know what it feels like to disappoint your child and it SUCKS. No mother of the year award coming my way.

As we are leaving the ladies are talking to me about this change in dental policy. They told me that we need to check and make sure we didn't sign up for "ABC" plan because they aren't covered under that plan. I make a note and schedule her yet ANOTHER appointment for Valentines Day. Before we leave the dental assistant notices how bummed L was and told her she could pick a toy from the toy chest. That really put a smile on her face. Out of all the balls, sticky hands, tooth erasers and plastic hats she chooses a toy solider. The ugliest thing in the box...that's my girl.

So we leave and I open her toy (he was in a plastic bag) and call Bryan. All of a sudden I hear a snap. I turn around and L has the most pathetic look on her face- her soldiers arm fell off. Are you kidding me?

We get home and I can't find the arm in the car. Layla got a lesson in war and injuries in our garage.

I walk in to Bryan telling me he looked up our plan and it turns out we do have the "ABC" policy. I have no clue why we did that...we were kind of rushed with open enrollment because Jack was due the next week. So now we have crappy insurance that is pushing us to a place we don't want to go. I can NOT believe this happened.

So that was Layla's afternoon at the dentist. We learned a hard lesson about calling ahead to confirm our appointments, reading the fine lines during open enrollment and when you pull too hard- sometimes our arms fall off.

At least she looked cute, had a smile on her face and seemed comfortable at the dentist. Until next time...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jack is 2 Months Old!

Our "little" Jack turned 2 months old on Sunday. The entire family is just head over heels for him. Even though it's only been 2 months, he fits in perfectly here.

Jack has been my "easy" child so far. He's getting pretty good at sleeping all night (went 8 hours one night last week!!!) and is falling into a great day time routine. He's a great eater and LOVES to nurse...we are working on trying to love the bottle too, he's does ok with it. His eyes are still bluish gray...the jury is still out on whether or not we'll end up with two blue eyed kids.

Jack gave us his first real smile on Christmas. He's been smiling and cooing ever since. He loves to play in his bouncer, L.O.V.E.S. music of any kind. In fact, we sat right next to the band at church a few weeks ago and he slept soundly through the loud drums and everything. Jack also likes to nap in his swing and is totally infatuated with his mommy. Ahhhh, a Mommy's boy...I'm in heaven. :)

Jack's appointment yesterday went great! He's weighing in at 14 lbs 10 oz...97th percentile for weight. Holy cow Batman. He's also 95th for his height but apparently has a small head at 25th percentile. LOL. He's in size 3-6 month clothes and almost ready for an upgrade. Size 2 diapers and the next box I buy I'm getting 3s. If all goes well (aka- he keeps his pace of gaining 2 ounces a DAY) he will go on solids at 4 months. Steak by 9 months is my goal...we can't have another kid in food therapy, my anxiety is through the roof about it already.

Jack is favoring one side of his head so we were prescribed LOTS more tummy time and to talk to Jack from his right side. He's strong and his neck is fine, but we just don't want to have a kid with a dented head.

Here are a few pictures of our chubster:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Layla's yellow shirt picture

I did what I promised myself I wouldn't do last year...I blinked.

I blinked and a whole year has gone by again. Layla got taller, her hair got longer...and curlier. She's talking like a real human being and learning new things everyday. She teases, she fibs and she loves to tell stories (the best stories I've ever heard). She's still dramatic, throws temper tantrums and acts "like a baby" but those are usually followed up by her going to her room and slamming her door, something I wasn't prepared for until the teenage years.

Last year I made a list of all the things we love about Layla. I thought about doing the same thing this year...but then started looking at last year's list and thought it would be fun to just "update" a few of those. Everything in black is from last year and green is this year:

- If given the option she would live off of chocolate, ice cream and crackers. Yep...this is still the case. Not sure this will EVER change.

- She likes to dance in the living room to Lady Gaga. Although Lady Gaga still holds a special place in her heart (her fav song is "bad kids" lol) she is starting to really like Queen. She can even identify the lullaby versions of Queen in the car!

- She must have 18 things in her crib to sleep with every night. No more crib but a bigger bed means more room for stuffed animals and blankets. I think this number has jumped to 53.

- She sings a song she made up about Oscar and Moose in her Dora microphone. No need for the microphone anymore, she'll sing made up songs loud and proud...anytime and anywhere! Especially in the bathroom at Home Depot

- Thinks it is hilarious to tickle herself under her arms. She thinks her "skeeter bites" are her elbows.

- The way she stands up when she's supposed to be in timeout and then slams her booty on the bench when we walk by. She doesn't even bother to pretend she's sitting down anymore. Getting more and more defiant by the day. 

- She talks with a Southern accent She still totally does this...I hope forever.

- The answer to "What do you say, Layla?" is always "More" (with the Southern accent) Now the answer is "please" or "thank you". Always.

- Every night she insists on running circles around our house and us scaring the pants off her She's starting not to like being scared anymore. But we do play LOTS of hide and seek in the dark, and dance parties.

- She loves to help put away laundry. And scrub the toilets, vacuum, and dust. Cinderella is her nickname.

- Prefers Eskimo kisses to "kisses on the lips. Prefers to blow kisses now. :( Or "just hugs"

- She sucks in all the air she can before we go out in the cold. For some reason THIS is the one that made me cry. Nope...she loves being in the cold/snow now.

- Her hair is so long when it is wet, and so short when dry. Her hair is down to the middle of her back wet and still touching her shoulders when it's dry.

- Row row row your boat and ma ma mommy is a bumble bee are her favorite songs. I can't even begin to list all the songs she knows and loves. Right now "oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree" is her fav.

- Her biggest concern in life are the socks she threw behind her bed after nap (and I hope it stays that way forever). Her focus now is Jack. She really loves him and makes sure if he's crying, we know about it. She is such a big help and truly enjoys being a big sister.

So many changes, she's really grown up this past year. And to see just how much we took her annual yellow shirt picture:

As a were the last two:

Wow, she's changed so much. I love that we are doing this and that she was actually "into" it this year. Look how her feet are touching the floor and she actually needed her hair up to stay out of her eyes this time!

Now it's off to finish her 3rd year book and start one for next year. I can't imagine what kind of changes we'll see but one thing is for sure, her hair isn't getting straighter. And I kinda like it! ;o)

Workman's Visit

The Workman's came to visit us this weekend. Layla and Jack had SO much fun with their cousins. Their time together is so precious and we love that they came to visit us (and meet Jack!).

Friday was a LOOOOOONG day in this house. Layla was so excited. She was asking "is someone here?" every 5 minutes because she knew they were coming that night. After a no nap day (nothing new) we put her down at 8:00 hoping she could get some zzzz's before they arrived. NOPE. So at 10:30 we got her out of bed to sit on the couch and greet her cousins at the door.

Grayden and Layla got to play sleep over during this visit. It well in the sense that they had a BLAST telling secrets, playing and getting out of their beds...and not get enough sleep. Next morning = hot mess.

So on Saturday I had the great idea of getting Grayden and Layla on the ice for the first time. They are going to be the future Olympic ice dancing team and Addelyn is going to be their coach.

Here is Bryan feeding the kids pancakes for lunch.

After lunch (and some tears) we were ready to go ice skating. They were SO excited!!!

Layla getting her ice skates on. She couldn't wait to get out on the ice.

All ready to stand up

Here we go......

ANNNNNND that was it. She stood up, got wobbly and decided this wasn't the sport for her. In fact, she basically let the entire place know she wasn't having this. Bryan carried her to the ice, held her on the ice and decided it wasn't worth it. So the Bartons were done and won't be returning to the rink until next year. Grayden loved it so there is still a chance at Olympic gold!

Here are the kids that night a glow stick bath and dance party. This was G and A's first time at a "Barton Booty Breakdown" and they had a blast. Even Aunt Ash and Uncle Eric got in on the fun...the neighbors loved it.

Grayden LOVES his little baby cousin. He had a lot of fun holding Jack and plans to teach him everything he knows about being a boy.

We had so much fun with the kids this weekend. I can't WAIT until they come back to visit in March. Then it's our turn to visit and have another sleep over. LOL. ;o)