Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter fun

I am so glad that part of my family was able to come up for my birthday and Easter this year! My Mom, step Dad, Grandma and Grandpa made the long trip from IL to spend some much needed time with Layla. Unfortunately the weather was yucky and we didn't get out much, but Layla had so much fun playing with her Grandparents and all her new Easter toys. As usual...the Easter bunny outdid himself

After Layla discovered all her new goodies, we decided to frost cupcakes for the birthday celebrations. My birthday was the day after Easter this year (crazy) and my Grandpma's is just 3 days after mine. Here is Layla helping out with the icing

Now it was time to get down to business...the eggs. The poor Easter bunny didn't have much space to leave eggs but Layla didn't mind. The diva didn't want to touch the grass or really go far to get all her eggs. 

The Easter bunny left marshmallows in the eggs even though Mommy knew she wouldn't eat them. She did enjoy opening each egg, squishing the marshmallows with her fingers (she kept that disgusted look on her face the whole time) and throwing them on the floor with mighty force!

After our Easter egg hunt it was time for my FAVORITE meal of all time...that's right folks, it is fish and spaghetti time! For those of you that think I'm crazy (probably most of my new Midland friends that are reading this) visit an old blog post for the fish and spaghetti story. I didn't get any pictures of our meal but here is Layla enjoying a cupcake

And that was pretty much the extent of our Easter celebration. It was driving around visiting a hundred different places with a crabby toddler, no fancy feast and no makeup. Haha! It was mainly a lounge around the house and play all day kind of day. Perfect!

 Grandpa taught Layla a new game. Take the balls out of the ball pit and put them in people's shirts. We all had a shirt full of rainbow colored balls at one point in time.

Of course we had to get some pictures of my Grandma, Mom, myself and Layla for a "four generation" shot. I think this one is adorable and the one below it of Mom and Bob is TOO CUTE!

So I know we already talked about frosting cupcakes but I did two batches and decided to frost some more later in the week. Here is Grandma and Grandpa giving Layla another lesson. This time she took huge fist fulls of icing and ate them. Yummy!

One thing is for sure, Layla loves her Grandma and Paw Paw. We weren't sure how she'd do because she hasn't seen them since Xmas but she knew exactly who they were when they got to our house. Layla is head over heals for Paw Paw...he is still her absolute favorite person in the whole world (makes me so sick and jealous! haha). I can remember him sitting at our table when my brother and I were little and teaching us how to write the alphabet with our crayons. Now here we are with Layla teaching her how to color, what a great memory!

We can't wait until the next time everyone comes to visit! No more sleeping in the living room and foyer for our family...everyone will have their own room at the new house! Love you guys!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh the things toddlers do

I can't believe I'm even calling Layla a TODDLER! I also can't believe how much she has changed just in the last few months. We have known since I was pregnant that this kid has a mind of her own, but now it is worse than ever. When Layla wants something, you know it. I thought I'd share some silly facts about Layla:

#1- The kid has to be in socks unless in the bathtub. Actually, she's fine without socks as long as she can't see them laying somewhere. But as soon as she sees either socks or shoes they have to be on her feet! I'm hoping this sock thing wears off because no child of mine will wear socks with sandals this summer. I've never seen a toddler on "What Not to Wear" but I will be submitting her to Stacy and Clinton if I have to.

#2- She loves her blankie. I know every kid has something they attach to (I had a baby blanket until Junior High) but there is just something about the way she digs her face into and cuddles with this blanket. She can't get close enough to it. I'm fearful of the day that she'll want to start taking it out in public, I don't want to loose it! We just can't go nite nite without this blankie.

#3- She's got major attitude. I know that some people don't believe me when I tell them that she's been rolling her eyes at us since she was about 10 months old. All you need is to witness her doing it once to realize that this kid was probably coping an attitude in the womb. I really don't know where she gets it *eh hum* but it is hilarious. I can't help but laugh, what I am going to do when she starts swearing?!

#4- She only recognizes colors in the yellow spectrum. Most everyone has heard me talk about Layla's eating issues. And I know that most toddlers have some kind of eating issue but this has just stumped so many people. First of all she doesn't like anything slimy...not all that uncommon for her age. But here is the kicker...she will only eat things that are white, yellow, orange or brown. Yep...our diet consists of bread, cheese, goldfish and Teddy Grams. The picture below says it all

#5- Oh the temper tantrums. Unfortunately Mommy is the one that gets to witness those the most (although it is pretty hilarious). I haven't really consistently found what pushes her over the edge but when she hears "no" enough it's showtime. We are talking HIGH DRAMA here people. See #3...this is coming from a kid that has had an attitude since 10 months old. Normally the scenarios plays out something like this:

- Layla walks up to the fireplace and starts to climb. Me: "Layla, that's a no touching"
- Without turning around she looks at my reflection through the glass of the fireplace and glares at me. She has to do this through the reflection of the fireplace because if she looks at me like that directly she will not be able to keep from shooting laser beams out of her eyeballs. If looks could kill.
- Then, just like the snap of your fingers she changes. She turns around with a big adorable smile and those too cute baby blue eyes sparkling. She waves at you and you wave back thinking "how in the world could I ever tell her no?". And then she makes her move...that little bugger starts to climb. 
- Now I walk up and remove her from the fireplace while telling her "no". Her body goes limp and the whole neighborhood can sense what is about to take place.
- I stand her up in the middle of the living room floor and she stares at the ground for about 5 seconds debating what to do next. And that's it, she throws herself on the floor belly first. She must knock the wind out of lungs because normally it takes a few more seconds for her to start the screaming.
- At this point I ignore her. I know her well enough to know that this is all about attention. Then she starts the rolling. I have seen this girl alligator role from the middle of our living room clear into our kitchen before. Screaming the WHOLE way. I have to turn away before busting out laughing.
- She gets dizzy from rolling so she stands up...does a little bit of the drunk shuffle and then throws herself down on the floor again. This time the feet and fists come out.
- After about 5 minutes it all just stops. She picks herself up, comes over to me with her attitude down a notch and we wipe the tears and nose and it is all over.

#6- Why so serious?I hate to admit it, but here it goes- Layla is SO much like Bryan. She studies and just takes everything in. Thank God she's so smart because the kid doesn't have much patience (I blame Uncle Brock for this). But the one thing that she does that reminds me so much of Bryan is this: Layla can be sitting there quiet at can be just minding her own business and suddenly break out in the cheesiest laugh. The kind of laugh where you stick your chin in the air, squint your eyes and show all of your teeth. She just cracks herself up...just like her Daddy. ;o)

#7- She loves to dance! Right now her favorite kiddy songs are Itsy Bitsy Spider and Skiddle a Rinky Dink a Dink. She knows all the hand movements and loves to sing when she's in the tub, getting her diaper changed and when she's trying to avoid eating. She also loves to dance to "real" music and actually has great rhythm for a 15 month old!

I can't wait for her to read this when she gets older. It may sound like I'm complaining about some of these things but really...I love it. These quirky little habits make her who she is. I'm sure most mom's think I'm crazy but my favorite thing about Layla is that she doesn't listen to a word you say. For example- Instead of giving kisses when you ask for them, she gives them when she wants to. And they mean SO much more. She has a mind of her own and I'm loving every single minute of it now...until she's 14 and it isn't cute anymore. ;o)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grandma Barton's Birthday Bash (and Easter)

We had so much fun visiting the family at Ashley and Eric's house last weekend. Layla and Grayden are absolutely adorable together, and Addelyn is getting SO big!

Friday night Layla needed to burn off some energy after the drive so Grayden suggested they play "bounce house". Layla mostly just watched Grayden jump around but loved throwing herself down the slide a few times.

After all that exercise, the kids needed a bath. Eric and I were getting their bath time things ready and I turned around and couldn't find the kids anywhere! Then here they came running out of Addelyn's room. Probably messing with her stuff...I can't believe they are picking on her already!

The kids loved taking a bath together, Layla was so sad she had to get out.

Saturday morning was the kids time to play! Grayden loved to drag play ring around the rosie with Layla. Haha! Layla learns how to run faster and faster every time she's with him. Addelyn and I just watched in amazement.

Ashley and I decorated the cake for Janet's bday. I think we did a fabulous was delicious! Even the Cake Boss would be proud.

Layla got some much needed Grandpa time. She loves to snuggle with Grandpa!!

The kids spent lots of time dancing. I think Bryan took this picture and besides being is also hilarious because it looks like a wedding photographers picture of the "first dance". LOL

Justin Bieber Grayden doing his thing. This kid is SO funny but really a talented dancer/singer for a 2.5 year old!

Time to color Easter eggs!

 Ok, so I promised I wouldn't put this picture on FaceBook but I did NOT say that I wouldn't put it on our blog. So here are the Easter bunnies getting ready to hid the eggs. LOL

I think Grayden is telling her not to steal all his eggs.

She really didn't get it.

Saturday night it was time to celebrate! I just love this picture of Grandma with her grandbabies

On Sunday we got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Mudd and Aunt Nicole and Uncle Ben!! We are so glad they made the trip to come see us!