Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jack is 4 Months!

Jack is 4 months old! Our baby boy has grown SO much this month. Jack is consistently rolling over from his back to tummy. Odd because he's been going from his tummy to back since he was about 3 days old but hasn't been consistent with it...I really thought he'd "get" that way first. But we know my kids don't do things the "normal" way. ;o)

He is also a champ at holding up his head and love to sit up on Mommy or Daddy's lap and watch his big sis. We FINALLY got some solid giggles out of him yesterday! I LOOOOVE that sound:

Jack is weighing in around 18lbs on our home scale...his doctor appointment is tomorrow so we'll have an official weigh in there. My guess is 99-100% for weight. This boy LOVES to eat. And speaking of eat...we've started rice cereal!!

He's digging it. He's not real sure what to do with it...but he doesn't cry when we feed him. I think he eats half of what we prepare...the other half ends up on his hands or his bib. Here's a 40 minute video ('s 3 minutes) that Daddy took:

Jack is in size 6-9 months and they fit perfectly. He's also in a snug size 3 diaper. What a BIG, healthy boy! :) We went through a rough patch last week when he started rolling over, but after swaddling and wedging him in his crib (this is tough when your baby is HUGE) he's sleeping better. Bedtime is around 10 and he wakes up around 6 to eat, then goes back to sleep for another hour or two. We've got a pretty good routine going!

He'll get 3 shots plus an oral tomorrow at the doctor. Hoping for no fever (he did great last time) and not too many tears (from Mommy or Jack).

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