Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy 11 Months Jack!

Oh boy. This is a hard one for me to wrap my head around. Jack turns 11 months TODAY. That means one more month of being a baby...then into toddlerhood we go.

I'm not really sure what even went on between 10-11 went SO fast!

Jack is crawling on his hands and knees now. He's getting super quick and loves to explore even more than he did last month. We have to shut all the doors down the hallways so he can't get into anything he's not supposed to. Mainly L's room and the toilets (gross). J is even pulling up now and cruising around furniture. Oh no!

J hasn't gotten any new teeth this month, we were glad to have a teething break! He's been saying "up" and "buh buh" (bye bye) this month. What a smart guy! He's starting to catch on to the hand motions of itsy bitsy spider, he loves the "wash the spider out" part like L did. And this boy LOVES to dance. He will bust a move anywhere.

J is doing great with his sippy but still nursing to go to sleep. We'll probably start phasing that out fairly soon but I'm really dreading it. He's JUST now starting to become a decent napper- 1.5 hours in the morning and about 30 in the afternoon. I don't want to screw it up but I also don't want to be nursing much past a year.

We will start introducing lactose free milk in the next few days. He's taking 2-3 sippy cups a day and we'll just start adding a little bit of milk to it. I hope he does ok with it. We've been able to phase out warm sippys so he's used to cold milk now, so hopefully he won't mind the taste.

J has moved to all 18 month clothes. There are a few that are too tight on him...seriously?! He's a tall boy but has really thinned out. Starting to look more like a little toddler. :( His size 3 diaper is looking a little small, I might have to break down and get 4s next time we buy a box. That is the biggest size L ever wore!

Jack's favorite toys are his guitar, activity table and throwing everything off the train table. He also really likes L's chair (she hates that) and playing with the van to her dollhouse (she also hates that). We are working on sharing and communicating...J doesn't get it.

I hope time slows down...I'm not sure I'm ready for 12 months!

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