Sunday, May 5, 2013


We signed Layla up for soccer this year when our church friends decided to start a team. It is SO nice to have such a close group of friends and watch our kids grow up together. Layla has grown to love these kids and watching her play with her best friends is pretty amazing. I forgot my camera the last TWO games (Mother/Photographer of the year!) but busted it out today.

Layla wasn't really into it the first few games. Bryan is coaching and she really just wanted 100% of Daddy's attention. So the first few games consisted of L either crying on the sidelines or just running around Daddy. Today she actually got into was awesome! Layla even "scored" a goal! By scored I mean that one of her teammates kicked the ball in her direction, it grazed her foot and then went it the net but I'm TOTALLY counting it! ;o)

Here's a hilarious video of L's turn to kick off...she has her Mother's showmanship...

And a few pictures from the game:

Action shot...running to get a drink from Mommy.

Proud to be team green (aka- the holy rollers). 

Jack had fun on Miss Christel's lap. Thankfully he waited to puke until 5 seconds after Mommy took him back. 

Layla and her BFF Addie pretty much just hugged it out the entire game. LOL

Another action shot! 

I actually posted this and it wasn't until I made the picture bigger that I realized this isn't my kid...L's twin and BFF, Addie:

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