Friday, February 3, 2012

Pony tails and temper tantrums

It has been yet another challenging week at the Barton household. A week full of no naps, early mornings and more screaming and crying then I've ever witnessed in my life. This is starting to become Layla's "normal" expression:

She was mad at me in the above picture because she wanted to drink apple juice and watch "why kin keen". Anyone want to take a guess what that translates to in English? Lion King. ;o)

My concession prize for putting up with the attitude this week was PIGTAILS! And honestly...I'll take it! She looks so stinking cute with her hair up. It doesn't matter if she's screaming, crying, rolling all over the floor...if her hair is in pigtails, I can't help but smile. This is a big step for phase is "Operation Bows". I'm giving her a week of getting used to the pig tails and then we'll try something different. I'm honestly scared to do anything different since she seems to actually like having pig tails "on".

I needed Layla's help getting ready for a session not 5 minutes after I took the above picture. She was still carrying on so I had to bribe her with her favorite thing..."chalky"...guesses anyone? That's toddler for chocolate. I'm getting good at this...almost fluent in toddler actually. Here are a few pictures of happy L:

Taking her first bite of chocolate chip:

I didn't wipe the tear from her cheek...I think it is so cute!

Pigtails!! Now what to do with that mess in the back of her head...haha

Are we almost done? PS- that is snot on her shirt

In the middle of asking for "moooooooore chalky" 

And now, Layla would like to show everyone what a lion says:


  1. Such a cute post...I love her!! And can't wait to make some little bows for her 'dog ears'!! her lion voices!

  2. What an amazing lion roar! Such a sweetie!
