Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 18 months!

I can't believe Layla is a year and a half old. It feels like she should be 9 months...the time that we've been in Midland has just flown by.

Layla is a very active 18 month old. She loves to dance, go down her slide, blow bubbles and color with side walk chalk. Her favorite song is "row row row" your boat (we sing the "your boat" part) and she loves to chase and feed her doggies. L's favorite animals besides the dogs are birds and squirrels. She loves to watch them out our window and anytime we go anywhere outside she is always waving to the birds.

Layla can say: juice, mama, dada, go, gaga (dogs), more, shoe, and noooooooo (her favorite). She also has a few other words she has made up but we can't really make sense of them yet. And we can't forget her favorite foods- milkshakes (made by Daddy) and Nutella. A kid after my own heart for sure. LOL. Her eating habits are getting better and for her 18 month birthday she ate a banana and apple! We were SO proud of her!

Some of Layla's dislikes include the dogs not wanting to play with her, bare feet (she wants to wear her pretty shoes), being in the car and eating anything other than the items mentioned above.  Haha. I haven't done Layla official 18 month pictures yet, but here are a few that we took for fun outside our house. Happy 18 months Hippo! We love you soooooooooooo much!

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