Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jack's Room is DONE!

Whew! Who knew that even though we had all the furniture that Jack's room would be so hard to do? L's room was easy- pink and frilly. But since Jack has a much smaller room than L did, I wanted to make sure his room was very bright but still boyish. It was between cars and bugs. Can you believe I went with the bugs?! I'm considering this his future training as our household "bug killer" while Daddy is at work. We all know Mommy doesn't do real bugs.

We only have a few finishing touches left. A few pictures of him will go in the frames above his dresser...obviously we'll have to wait until Nov 20th (and Mommy feeling up to doing pics) for those. We also need to find some kind of a smallish/tallish table to go by the chair. Too bad Dr. Seuss didn't design and sell furniture. 

A BIG FAT thank you to Grandma Barton for doing the crib and window treatments. She is so talented! And to my Grandma Lucky who painted the letters, helped with with his pillow and tiebacks and did an adorable (and really good smelling) quilt that I forgot to put back on the chair for these pics. Grandma what fabric softener do you use? LOL. And of course Grandpa for his OCD picture hanging skills. The kids are SO lucky to have their rooms 100% their "own" with their Grandma and Great Grandma's help.

I hope Jack loves his room! If not, he'll have a new one in 2 - 3 years when he moves into his "big boy" room aka- the current guest room. Will the house projects ever stop?! ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable. I hope he enjoys it as much as his grandma B, and g grandma T did in helping it all come together. Love it !
