Sunday, March 25, 2012

My new assistant

I'm happy to report that my photography has really taken off this year. I'm so proud of myself! I'm not's just that I was so hesitant to start a photography business because I wasn't sure I was "good enough". I've learned so much over the last year from finding my photography "style" to business resources to the dreaded tax return. I'm so happy things are going well and I have seriously had the BEST group of clients I could ever ask for.

This weekend I had two sessions. I've done one (an adorable little 6 month old boy) and I just finished getting ready for a newborn that I'm shooting today.

Layla has really started to take to the camera. She generally like to have her picture taken, loves to take pictures of the dogs with our iphone cameras and will try to play with my camera (it is way too heavy and expensive though LOL). I know most people think their children are geniuses but Layla has a serious eye for this stuff. Maybe it is in our blood? She has taken some pretty amazing pictures and I think in a few months I'm going to get her her first camera. Can we say SPOILED?!

I really want to encourage her to be creative and have fun. We haven't really found Layla "niche" yet and I know it is early, but I think photography is really fun and exciting to her. Plus it is a fun thing to do with Mommy! :)

Layla helped me set up for my shoot today by helping me lint roll my backdrops and fluff the bean bag. She also helps me meter my lighting by letting me take some pictures. I can't get over how stinkin' beautiful she is...I just LOVE this kid!

I did VERY little editing on this picture...look how RED her hair is!!!! We've been spending lots of time out in the sun so it is just getting redder and redder each day. 

I told her to "act like a baby here". LOL