Friday, March 16, 2012

The truth behind Layla's name

With a name like "Ashley" (literally meaning "ash tree"), I thought a lot about Layla's name. I didn't want her to be disappointed in the story or meaning behind it. Not that I'm disappointed Mom! Being named after a character on a soap opera is okay too. LOL

I get two reactions when I tell people what Layla's name is...#1- What a pretty name, I've never heard of a "Layla"! (really?!) and #2- Oh, like the song?. My answer to #2 was almost always "no no...we just liked the name", but now I have a confession. I'm just going to go ahead, 2 years later, and confess that yes, Layla is named after "the song". Bryan and I really love music and for as long as I can remember, Eric Clapton's Layla has ALWAYS been on a mix CD, playlist and now Iphones.

The song is actually a love song inspired by Eric Clapton's love for his friend, George Harrison's, wife. LOL. Nothing better than an an adulterous relationship to name our daughter after right? Obviously that's not what we had in I looked into it and the name he used, Layla, is derived from a Persian tale about two loves that couldn't be together. It is a sad story that doesn't end well. So again...why would we name our daughter after a dark and depressing story?

In the Persian version of the tale, Layla couldn't be with her love because her parents would not allow it. There marriage would go against tradition and her father would not have it. After thinking long and hard (because I couldn't get over the name Layla) I decided this:

Our job as a parent is to love and protect her, teach and inspire her, support her and catch her when she falls. Our Layla's story will be different. She will have so much love, joy and lightness in her life because I want her to have a happy ending.

So in typical fashion, we are setting a new trend and going against this tale's "mold". I hope the original "dark princess" is watching our little lighting bug and smiling.


  1. This just made me tear up.

    I would like to add that I loved the name Ashley. Not sure if your Dad knows that it DID come from a soap opera, "The Young and Restless". hahahahahaha

  2. I knew it! Just kidding, I didn't know it. BUT I love that she is named after the song - it is a great song and she is a great kid with great parents.
