Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let's dress up

After "nap" (aka- 2 hours of alternate playing and crying in crib) yesterday, Layla decided it was time to bust out her dress up gear. Since all the dress up stuff is in a drawer (dress up corner will be created when we get the room painted) she doesn't get them out often but something sparked her interest yesterday. All she wanted to do was walk around her room in her purple dress and strut her stuff in some gorgeous purple heels!

I really need to start painting her toe nails, she just doesn't sit still long enough. She does like to pretend paint her fingers and toes with the fake nail polish that came with her vanity set. She makes sure to hit every single nail. And after each foot/hand, she puts the brush back into the bottle to get "more" and starts on the next. I have no idea where she picked this up...I haven't painted my nails in front of her in such a long time.

Seeing her attempting to walk in those shoes yesterday reminded me of a time when I used to wear heels everyday (yes, even to career fairs where I'd stand for 3 hours straight). I can't remember the last time I actually wore them now...oh how your life changes when you stay home. I honestly think I'd have to practice in them before we left the would be like walking a tight rope! ;o)

Next time we play dress up, my goal is to get her to wear the crown. What I wouldn't give to get just ONE picture of her with a tiara on her head...

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