Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Potty Training Diary- Days 2.5 - 3.5

My first thought after putting Layla back down after the napping poop incident on Day 2 was "how easy would it be to just keep a diaper on her?!". It has been less than 48 hours and I'm sitting here thinking that we have both lost our independence. I feel like I had this parenting thing down, I was Super Mom! Now I feel like I have a newborn again...no clue what to do, no time to eat or shower, the house is a disaster (don't feel too sorry for me, I'm sitting hear blogging instead LOL). I'm scared to death of my 2 year old, but she has to know I'm in control. Will we ever be happy again?! I know, I'm SO dramatic...wonder where L gets it?

I'm sure these are all normal thoughts, this is so tough. Do you like how I'm giving myself a pep talk here?

Okay, so on with day 2 (after nap):

Woke Layla up at 5:15. We rarely do this because she is SO grumpy unless she wakes up on her own, but it was getting too late! I tried to sit her on the potty but all she wanted to do was cuddle with me. How could I resist?

5 minutes later she pees in her playroom. Daddy ran her to her potty chair. No pee made it to the pot.

Tried to sit her down after dinner, she didn't want to sit on the potty and decided to throw a fit. Went right to couch to watch Wow Wow Wubbzy.  I feel like this is how we spend most of our day. Please note that her underwear is hiding behind the potty. This is because if I let her take them off, she likes to "hug"them. I hope this is not a habit that stays.

Ran into her playroom to get some toys and peed. Again, Daddy ran across the house with a child dripping pee. No pee in the potty.

10 minutes later sat on her potty while eating cookies. No pee

Sat on the potty on and off all evening. Not too much fuss about it, she's just bored with all this. We got a tiny little tinkle while watching pirates in the living room yay!!!! Basically we went from the living room to the bathroom, from her little potty to the big potty from 5:30 until bedtime at 8:45.

I must note that we are getting amazingly creative with "potty games". Tonight we sat on her little potty in the bathroom facing the bathtub and gave her foam letters to throw in. Although this was fun, no pee made it in the pot. I must also note that surprisingly Mommy is being much calmer than Daddy and is handling this better...Layla can sense the fear and doesn't care for Daddy helping with this potty thing.

Went to brush her teeth on the potty right before bed and she peed alllllll over the bathroom floor (at least that's easier to clean than carpet). We went immediately to the potty with a little fuss but I think that's because she was covered in pee. No pee made it into the potty. 

Diaper went on and she went to bed. Daddy is drinking a beer and Mommy is eating ice cream and going straight to bed. I feel like I have completed a triathlon. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow (Lord help me). 

Day 3 (morning):

Woke up at 9am. Went in to get L and she had a smile on her face. I hope this is a good sign! She laid right down to let me take her diaper off and picked out some "lellow" undies. She sat on her potty while I got her clothes ready (still in just a shirt, undies and socks). No pee.

Ate breakfast and then played for a bit in her playroom. I had her potty right next to her and she decided to try to sit on it with her underwear on. Progress?! So I helped her get out of it an she decided that was not in her plans. After a little coaxing and me bribing her with apple juice, she sat for a few minutes but no pee. I decided to be brave and jump in the shower. L sat on the potty for a couple of minutes while I got things ready and watched the Ipad. No pee in the potty but I got to take a VERY quick shower with no accidents to take care of after. Whew!

Drank an entire cup of AJ in 2 minutes. Asked to watch Wubbzy so we watched 10 minutes on the couch and then it was time to sit on the potty. I put on an episode that she hasn't seen (to hold her interest a little more) and she sat on the potty for 30 minutes. It seemed like 17 hours, but no pee.

A few minutes later she was running around the house crying. I knew she had to go, poor thing just didn't know what to do. Finally she stopped right in front of where I was sitting on the floor (next to her potty) and started to pee. I quickly took her undies off and plopped her on the potty. She finished (so I thought) on the potty!! YAY! This is the first time she got a significant amount in the pot. 

We wiped her down and as I was cleaning the floor, she started crying and decided to pee again standing right next to her potty. I quickly put her on the potty, but no pee made it. Whew...that's got to be the end right?!

WRONG. Aaaaaaaand she peed one more time, in the exact same spot. This time I did get her on fast enough to get some pee in the potty. My arms hurt from scrubbing the carpet and the upper body workout I'm getting from quickly lifting L onto her potty. I'm pretty sure she has whiplash.

I went to get new undies and socks while L sat on the pot (at this point i might duck tape her to it). Pretty sure I walked in to her putting her hand in her pee and then picking a cookie out of her snack bowl and eating it. My child is disgusting.After I got Layla "dressed" in new undies and socks, I discovered pee on toys, her potty chart, floor, and blankets. I decided it was time to make lunch and give Daddy a phone update.

Layla was dancing and singing in the kitchen and at one point I thought I heard her say potty but she didn't stop so I didn't think anything of it. A few minutes later it was time to eat and as I picked her up to put her at the table, her undies were wet. So we went to sit on the potty while I got a new pair. No pee in the pot.

Put a new pair of undies on, went to put the wet ones in the washer and came back to slightly wet undies. I'm not sure if it's pee or if she was slightly wet from the wipes we use to clean her off. I decided that I'm not declaring this an accident because I'm sick of accidents and she stayed in this suspicious underwear through lunch.

Right after lunch I put her on the potty to watch more Wubbzy. She sat right down, no problems at all. I gave her some stickers and she decided to put them all over her legs, belly and arms. ;o) I walked away and gathered some laundry, did the lunch dishes...was probably gone for about 5 minutes. She kept saying "Moooooommyyyy" which is typical when we are in separate rooms, just making sure I'm still there. I walked back into the living room to find her still happily on the potty. I sat down next to her and asked if she "made pee in the potty". She got up turned around and O.M.G...there was pee in there! Our first REAL success!! Finally, pee in the potty without having to throw her on it dripping in pee after an accident!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!

I cleaned her and the potty up and went to FaceTime my Mom so Layla could tell her what she did. While we were on the phone she was chasing Moose and then came over to me with her legs crossed. I didn't act fast enough and she started to go, but I threw her on the potty and she went a little bit more. We are making progress!

Put a diaper on her and now its nap time. She's still in there talking and I'm really hoping she didn't poop again.

Now it is time to reflect on our success to this point (so I feel like I've accomplished SOMTHING):

*Day 1- Getting her acquainted with the potty and repeating the concept of "pee goes in the potty" 1,000 times. Plus she's learning to hold it. CHECK! Lost count of accidents but had 7 successful tinkles in potty.

*Day 2 - Getting her more comfortable sitting on the potty than she was on Day 1. Getting more pee in the potty than on Day 1. CHECK! Had 7 accidents and 4 successful tinkles in potty.

*Day 3 (so far)- Getting her even more comfortable on the potty and getting more pee on the potty. Also, recognizing Layla's "gotta go" signs. Getting her to pee in the pot without having an accident right beforehand CHECK! So far we have had 5 accidents and 4 successful tinkles in potty.

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