Thursday, January 5, 2012

Potty Training Diary - Days 4.5 - 5.5

Has it really been 5 days since we started? Part of me feels like it has been 10 years but realistically, the days go by SO quick when the only thing on your mind is pee.

Day 4 (after nap):

I get Layla up and find a soaking wet diaper, even though I went to her room at the first sign of her stirring. I put her on the potty and she sits for a few minutes but no pee.

Layla drank 1 juice box and a sippy cup FULL of applejuice and had a small snack. I just knew within 30 minutes max she was going to burst but 2 1/2 hours later she still hadn't gone. I could tell she was in pain from holding it and she was just running around the house crying like crazy. Finally she had a small accident in the hallway and we got her to the toilet but nothing came out. As soon as she got up she started crying again and leaning over...then peed all over the bathroom floor.

No pee for the rest of the night.

Day 5 (morning):

Layla had her 2 year check up today with the doctor. She is in the 75% for height and 25% (woo hoo!) for weight. Doc is very proud of her weight progress...she is definitely eating more FINALLY! Doctor and I had a serious potty training discussion. I told him that I felt she is holding it too long now and she seems nervous/scared to go on the potty. He said that although it might feel like too long for me, it is amazing that she has learned to hold it already and that's a great thing. Next we just need to work on getting her to go on the potty...something that he feels like she's being defiant about (not scared). new game plan: sit her on the potty only when she's showing the "gotta go" signs to try to make those times really count. We don't want to burn her out by continuing to try to put her on the potty just for practice anymore. Also, Bryan did some research on potty dolls last night. Layla is very into her babies right now and we thought this would be a great way to help her practice and put a little peer pressure on her. ;o)

She was in a diaper all morning while we were out and you better believe she took full advantage of that situation. When we got home, she was doing a little dance in the kitchen and I knew she had to go. I was struggling with getting her leggins off (she hasn't worn pants in a week...I forgot how long it takes to get those off LOL) and she peed in her diaper. But I think that it was great that she was "telling" me she had to go, even with a diaper on!

We had lunch and lots of juice. I got out one of her baby dolls and set her on the potty all through lunch. Every once in awhile I'd turn around and tell the baby to "try to pee in your potty". Layla thought this was pretty entertaining. After lunch I filled up a nose sucky bulb (you know...those blue things the hospital gives you) and hide it behind the baby. I called Layla over so she could tell her baby to pee and while she was looking, I squeezed the bulb. Baby peed in the potty!! Layla was SO excited! She gave her baby a great big hug and kiss.

I let L go in the other room and play while I kept the baby. I spilled some water on the kitchen floor and said "oh no baby!" really loud. Nosey Rosey came rushing in to see what all the fuss was about and saw the "pee". She told her baby "oh no!!" and helped me clean it up. I think this is really going to help things click with L.

30 minutes later L is watching TV and starts bouncing. I told her to take her baby and put her on her potty and that she needed to try and "make pee" in hers too. So we sat in front of the TV with L bouncing and whining about it. She stood up and peed a bit, I put her straight back down and she stopped. Dang! But after a few seconds of coaxing and LOTS of bouncing she finally did it! She had another great potty success!!

10 minutes later she had an accident in the dining room. No warning...just stood right there and peed. Dang!

Now she is down for nap and talking again...I'm sure she'll poop in there, I'll go check in a few minutes. Let's take another moment to reflect on our success:

*Day 1- Getting her acquainted with the potty and repeating the concept of "pee goes in the potty" 1,000 times. Plus she's learning to hold it. CHECK! Lost count of accidents but had 7 successful tinkles in potty.

*Day 2 - Getting her more comfortable sitting on the potty than she was on Day 1. Getting more pee in the potty than on Day 1. CHECK! Had 7 accidents and 4 successful tinkles in potty.

*Day 3- Getting her even more comfortable on the potty and getting more pee on the potty. Also, recognizing Layla's "gotta go" signs. Getting her to pee in the pot without having an accident right beforehand CHECK! Had 6 accidents and 5 successful tinkles in potty.

*Day 4- Reduce the amount of time L is on the potty by reading her "gotta go" signs. Get more pee in the potty. She had 3 accidents and 1 great potty.

* Day 5 (so far)- Getting her to have more potty success. So far we've had potty in our diaper, 2 accidents and 1 great success.

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